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Say Hello
with a Headline

Put your slogan or motto in a Subhead.
What's this web site going to do for your business? You should be realistic about your goals, but here are some immediate benefits:
  • You gain instant credibility as a modern, Web-savvy company.
  • Your web site will reach a select audience - those who visit will be highly motivated and in the process of choosing a product or vendor.
  • Your customers and prospects can learn more about your company and its products, any time of the day or night, any day of the year, without regard to time zones.
  • A brief note or call can direct your customers to the latest product information, without mailing expensive brochures.
  • Using email, you can greatly reduce playing phone tag with your valuable customers.
  • Your sales staff can have instant access to information about all of your products, using the computer on your customer's desk. Think about that from the customer's perspective!
It doesn't take an online shopping cart to use the power of the Web to streamline the information flow between your business and your customers. Maintaining important information online can save real time for both you and the customers you serve.
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This home page - the top level of your web site - should capture your audience's attention and make them want to explore the rest of the pages. Use this top-level page to describe your company's product or service in broad terms, with a focus on its greatest benefit to your customers. If you put too many details here, your visitors may not be motivated to see the rest of the site.

We advise reading through this template, then looking at some of our other professionally-designed templates for more ideas, and finally making a written outline to help you organize the information you'll be presenting in your site. When you have a good plan, getting your new site online will be easy...and fun!

Caption text can highlight a reiteration of your main message. Make the reader happy that he's found your web site.
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Use the sidebar
to call attention to short statements about your important points.

You might use the sidebar to show your business hours, to list multiple business locations, or to feature special offers for your Internet visitors.

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Use caption text to make important items stand out. Set it off with rules to make them stand out even more.
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The images you choose
for this page should suggest your product's benefit, and should make the reader feel good about wanting to become your customer. Pictures with happy people in them are generally more effective than photos of your building. A photo of a satisfied customer using your product is more persuasive than one of the product alone.

Sidebar items may distract the reader's attention from the main text, so choose them carefully